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Project Briefs

  1. CPP Newsletter – Fall 2011
  2. CPP Project Update Nov 2011
  3. Project Summary-SAMO – September 2012 – CPP
  4. CPP Ecosphere research brief – September 2015
  5. CPP Partner brief-October 2015

Peer-Reviewed Publications

  1. Haggerty et al 2013
  2. De Beurs et al 2013
  3. Matthews et al 2013—NRR CPP NRRS Report on Pilot Phase Activities
  4. Matthews et al 2014—CPP Phenological Monitoring Protocol
  5. Mazer et al Ecosphere, 2015
  6. Elmendorf et al 2015—NEON.DOC.000907vA
  7. Elmendorf et al Ecosphere 2015, submitted
  8. Haggerty et al 2014
  9. Matthews and Mazer—In review—New Phytol 2015

Informal Publications

  1. Matthews. 2011—CPP Species Selection Process for the CA National Park Units
  2. Higgons, Mazer, Matthews, and Evenden 2011—CPP Pheno OppsReport 2011—Nov2011Ver2
  3. Mazer 2011—CPP Scientific Framework Workshop Report
  4. Matthews and Mazer. 2011—California Phenology Project Accomplishment Report
  5. Mazer and Matthews. 2012—Interpretive Guide—Template for all parks

Park- and Site-specific Reports

CPP publicity

  1. Bay Nature NatureBridge Golden Gate Phenology Article
  2. Miller-Rushing et al. 2011 ParkScience Article
  3. University of California | Research | Studying the seasons/ how climate change affects natural communities
  4. Mazer—Phenology Workshop flyers 2012–2015—examples
  5. California Phenology Project (CPP) | USA National Phenology Network
  6. CPP Facebook page

Sample Webinars and Powerpoints

Additional Documentation

(sorted by date)

CPP Report on Pilot Phase Activities, 2010-2013

CPP Phenological Monitoring Protocol, Version 1

CPP Phenological Monitoring Protocol, Digital Appendices and Supplemental Materials

Appendix A: GOGA Monitoring Guide

Appendix B: JOMU Monitoring Guide

Appendix C: JOTR Monitoring Guide

Appendix D: LAVO Monitoring Guide

Appendix E: REDW Monitoring Guide

Appendix F: SAMO Montioring Guide

Appendix G: SEKI Monitoring Guide

Appendix H: SEKI 2012 Annual Report

CPP presentations at the 2012 Ecological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Portland, OR: Building a phenological monitoring network in California as a model for the nation and Implementing a regional phenology network: The California Phenology Project

CPP in the University of California Natural Reserve System: UCNRS Phenology Network project description

The Flora of the University of California Natural Reserve System was created during initial CPP planning phases. (Link takes you to the UC-NRS Flora website, where you can download the Flora Summary or the entire plant list.)

CPP Interpretive Guide (June 2012 DRAFT)

CPP Fall Newsletter (Fall 2011)

CPP Project Update (Fall 2011)

Opportunities for Developing Phenology-based Climate Change Interpretive, Education, and Citizen Science Programs in California National Parks: A survey of current park resources and capacity for implementation (Version 2, November 2011)

Summary of California Phenology Project Species Selection Process (Version 2, October 2011)

Scientific framework for California Phenology Project: Report of scientific advisory meeting in Berkeley, CA (November 2010)


CPP Data Visualizations

The USA-NPN has developed a visualization tool to explore the data entered in the National Phenology Database.  To download a tutorial on how to use this tool effectively click here.  Below we will compile examples of scenarios to explore CPP data.  

Comparison of Baccharis pilularis phenology in 2011 along coastal gradient: Redwood NP, Golden Gate NRA, and Santa Monica Mountains NRA 

Comparison of Heracleum maximum in 2011 in Redwood NP and Golden Gate NRA

Comparison of Eriogonum fasciculatum in 2012 in Santa Monica Mountains NRA and Joshua Tree NP


CPP Presentations

Follow this link to explore and download past CPP presentations.
