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Coyotebrush (Baccharis pilularis)

BAPI flowers- Liz MatthewsBaccharis pilularis is a shrub in the Aster family that can be up to three meters tall. The leaves are toothed, oval, and sticky. Coyotebrush is dioecious, meaning each plant has flowers with either all male parts or all female parts. The male flowers produce pollen and are yellowish, and the female flowers produce fruit and are white (see photos of male and female flowers on the CPP species profile). The CPP four letter code for this species is BAPI.

This species is currently being monitored at Santa Monica Mountains NRA, Redwood NP, and Golden Gate NRA.





Download the USA-NPN datasheet for Baccharis pilularis here.

Download the CPP species profile for Baccharis pilularis here.


For additional information about this species, visit these pages:

Baccharis pilularis on the USA-NPN website 

Baccharis pilularis on Calflora

Baccharis pilularis on USDA PLANTS

Baccharis pilularis USFS profile

Baccharis pilularis profile on Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District's wesbite